What is "attachment"?

Depending on the context or who you ask “attachment” can have a variety of meanings. So what does it mean to be an attachment-based therapist or to engage in attachment-based therapy?

Attachment is one of the most basic, yet complex, social and neurobiological processes that make us human. It’s hard-wired into us from the womb to death, with it’s foundations in our formative first 5 years. Our attachment style impacts how we interact with others and the world, and where/with whom we do or do not feel secure.

Click the link below to a fellow therapist’s website for a wonderful description of the basics of human attachment and why it matters…


Photo credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ccbarr/ via flickr.com

A quick explanation of Emotionally-Focused Couples Therapy (EFT)

EFT was created by Dr. Sue Johnson and Dr. Les Greenberg to address the disconnection that couples experience as a result of getting "stuck" in negative interactional patterns.  These patterns interrupt the positive bond between the couple, and often lead to distrust, resentment, disappointment, hurt, and a lack of safety (emotional, and sometimes physical).  Have you noticed that no matter what you say your partner becomes angry, defensive, or shuts down?  Have you noticed this in yourself?  Did you used to feel connected, but don't know where you stand anymore?  Have you or your partner had an emotional or physical affair and are unsure what went wrong, and how to move forward?  EFT addresses these painful experiences, and works to recreate safety, connection, and care in your relationship.

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